Dr. Kalam College of Pharmacy in association with District Chess Association and Pattukkottai Lions Club of Queen’s City organized a state level chess tournament on 4th February 2024. Dr. K. Iniyan, Managing Director of Kamatchi Medical Centre Hospitals, Thanjavur was the Chief guest of the event. Management representative Mr. Ajit Daniel welcomed the gathering. Mr. Jawahar Babu, Ex. Chairman of Pattukottai Municipality, Mr. Sunadarbabu, President of Lions Club, Mr. Lakshmikanthan, Treasurer, Mr. Senthil kumaran, President, Thanjavur District Chess Association, Dr. Anbalagan, Principal, DKCOP and Dr. S. Vijayaraj, Professor and Head, DKCOP were the other dignitaries present. Dr. M. Mathivanan, Principal, Dr. Kalam Polytechnic College delivered the inaugural address. More than 450 candidates all over the state participated in the event. Events were conducted separately for girls and boys of various age groups. Prizes and trophies worth Rs. 1.5 Lakh were distributed to the winners in various categories. Certificates were disseminated to all the participants. Mr. V. Ganesan, Vice Principal, Dr. Kalam Polytechnic College proposed vote of thanks.